
Pride, Humility & Retribution!

January 24, 2021 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Esther - For Such a Time as this

Topic: Providence of God, Power of God, Esther, 1-PM Sermons Passage: Esther 5:1– 7:10

The plot reaches its climax here in Ch. 5 as Esther approaches the King's Courtyard to seek an audience with the King.  As she approaches, she again finds favor with the King and invites him and Haman to a banquet.  At the banquet, she invites them to another.  Haman is filled with pride at his position, accomplishments, wealth and family - Haman has it all and yet is miserable! He builds a gallows to kill his sworn enemy - Mordecai, which he assumes will finally bring satisfaction. Instead, Haman is forced to honor Mordecai and then is taken to the 2nd banquet with queen Esther where he discovers she is a Jew and he has made a decree to have her killed.  The King, Ahasuerus, is angry and leaves for a moment, while gone, Haman falls on the couch Esther is reclining on pleading for his life.  The king returns and believes Haman is attacking her, condemns him right then and there and a member of the king's house comes in and informs him of the gallows Haman built for Mordecai.  The King instructs them to hang Haman there instead! God is always in control, even when it seems impossible; God is always faithful to his people, even when it seems unimaginable! God is powerful and he is in control - do you trust him?

For such a time as this!  Esther and Mordecai were placed in their positions for such a time as this.  God has placed you in your situation for such a time as this! It is imperative for us to understand that God is sovereign over the affairs of mankind and is working providentially in those affairs to accomplish His purpose in the world and in our lives!

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

More in Esther - For Such a Time as this

January 31, 2021

Divine Reversal!

January 17, 2021

Responding to the Worst!

January 10, 2021

God's Time/God's Design

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