Life Group

Life Group is an opportunity for us to gather together for a more informal time of study, fellowship, discussion and good food.

We meet for Life Group during the Winter-Spring months and again throughout the lifegroup.GCoM-Logosummer. During these times, we gather every 2-3 weeks in a home. Life Group lasts about an hour. We have great snacks, a study/discussion time that lasts about an hour, and enjoy fellowship for quite awhile after!   This time offers us the opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and with each other. Our passion is to edify one another and offer encouragement to each person that attends.

We usually work through a book together that addresses important every day topics we all face. lifegroup-Goals.CROP-SquareTogether we have studied fellowship and all that it means for us as believers in community together. We studied together the implications of the gospel, the providential work of God, forgiveness, fighting your fears and our fight against sin. The goal of each study is to better understand who our God is and how we can grow in our relationship with him. At times, our best efforts to grow in Christlikeness are hindered by daily struggles with our own fallen and sinful thoughts, responses and decisions. These responses can be transformed through the Word of God, as the Spirit of God applies it to our lives. But God also uses the relationships of fellow believers for the building up and accountability that can help us take our next spiritual step.   

We would love to have you join us anytime!  Just go to our Events page to find our next Life Group meeting.  Please join us as we gather to fellowship, to grow in our walk with Jesus and encourage one another.



Join us Sunday at 
