
Gospel Identity

October 15, 2023 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Galatians - the Only, All-Sufficient Gospel

Topic: Gospel, Promise, Law, Galatians, 1-PM Sermons Passage: Galatians 3:15-26

Paul continues to develop his argument with the Galatian believers about the true gospel in opposition to the false gospel of "the works of the law" proposed and advocated by his opponents in Galatia. Paul moves from his first assertion (10-14), that everyone is under the curse of the law and only Jesus can remove that curse by taking on himself, to a second assertion; the promise came before the law and is in no way undermined or abolished by the law (Mosaic Covenant). Paul then moves to a natural question - what is the purpose of the law? He answers this question and reasserts the necessity and validity of faith as the means of being a child of God. You cannot merit or earn your standing with God, through Jesus alone, we are declared and stand right (righteous) before God. Therefore, as believers, our identity is linked to all the gospel truths Paul presents and explains throughout Galatians!

The major theme of Galatians is the gospel – the message of salvation! What is it? Who is right about the means of salvation? In order to fully address this vital issue, Paul is going to address the subjects of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, faith, justification, freedom, the law and the implications of these in our daily living. Galatians is not a book offering believers the ultimate license to live however they please. Galatians is instead an explanation of all that we possess through the glorious gospel of Jesus and the implications of it for our daily lives. The gospel is given and intended to change us, to shape us more into the image of Jesus. By God’s grace, we can understand the truth of the gospel and be transformed by it.

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

More in Galatians - the Only, All-Sufficient Gospel

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Glory in the Cross

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November 12, 2023

Empowered Living

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