
Sacrificial Worship

December 11, 2022 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Advent 2022

Topic: 1-AM Sermons, Matthew, Worship, Wise Men, Incarnation Passage: Matthew 2:1-12

The wise men come from the east to worship Jesus, the King of the Jews. Jesus is worthy of our sacrificial worship and love because He is God with us and has come to take away our sins!

Matthew writes his gospel to prove that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the King and the Son of David. Jesus is bringing the Kingdom of God and is the fulfillment of the promised deliverance to both Jews and Gentiles. Throughout his gospel, Matthew offers numerous themes and emphasis, but six stand out: Christology, Fulfillment, Righteousness, Discipleship, the Church and Eschatology.

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!



More in Advent 2022

December 18, 2022

Trust & Follow

December 4, 2022

Obeying the Unbelievable

November 27, 2022

Descendant of Deliverance

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