
Living to Please Jesus!

July 14, 2019 Speaker: pastor dave Series: 2 Corinthians

Topic: 2 Corinthians Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:6–10

What motivates you as a believer each day?  What drives your passions, your desires, your dreams – as a believer?  Why do you do what you do?  Do you ever consider the motives behind your actions?  

Many of us probably do not spend enough time considering the motivations for our actions!  Paul did and is going to begin to explain them here in Ch. 5.

The motivation for every believer must be pleasing Jesus, whether we live here in this body or we are present with him!


Throughout 2 Corinthians Paul addresses the impact of suffering on ministry, life and the message; the complexity of human relationships at times - the suffering they can cause and the joy of being reconciled when we obey and follow the guidance of the Spirit in our lives.


Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

More in 2 Corinthians

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Warnings & Exhortations!

March 1, 2020

Ministry Expectations and Motivations

February 23, 2020

Weakness is Strength!

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