Advent: Creation, Sin & Judgment
December 3, 2023 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Advent 2023
Topic: 1-AM Sermons, Romans, Judgment, Sin, Creation
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As we consider the Advent season, we are looking at the larger themes across Scripture and their connection in Romans. We considered Sunday the subjects of Creation, Sin and Judgment. God as Creator of his creation shapes and informs the rest of Scripture, including Paul's approach in Romans. Sin is addressed quite extensively in Romans, where Paul initially offers sin as our problem, but moves throughout the book to the solutions for sin. Jesus alone addresses our problem of sin and in him we can be rescued from it. Paul also addresses the issue of judgment throughout Romans. Judgment is a reality because of sin and every human being that has ever lived or will live, will meet God and face his judgment for the way they lived their lives. Jesus removes the fear of judgment, because in him, we stand righteous before God. The Advent of Jesus offers you freedom from sin and satisfies the just judgment of our Creator.
Advent is a wonderful time each year to consider both the first Advent of Jesus, his birth in Bethlehem, but also, his second Advent - Jesus is coming again and he is coming for his own. This Advent season, consider with us all that we possess because of Jesus and his coming, his life, his death and resurrection. The first Advent of Jesus makes a relationship with God possible, it alone makes eternal life possible.
As we consider Romans together this Advent season, it is important to understand the focus of Romans as Paul writes to the believers there in Rome. It seems best to see Romans as a defense of what Paul believes and teachers about the gospel for these believers in Rome he has not yet met. Some of them may have been questioning him, his message and how it relates to Judaism. Paul writes to explain at length the connection of Jesus, the gospel and defend it, in spite of the rejection of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah by many Jews.
Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community.
Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

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