
Proclaim & Teach Jesus to All!

November 26, 2023 Speaker: pastor dave Series: The Acts of the Apostles

Topic: Gospel, Communion , Acts, 1-AM Sermons Passage: Acts 28:1-31

As Luke concludes this amazing history of the early church and its spread from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and finally to Rome (to the ends of the earth) itself, he concludes the journey of Paul to Rome. There Paul meets with Jewish leaders and proclaims the truths of Jesus to them. As Acts concludes, Luke reminds us of the original message of Jesus in Acts 1:3 - the kingdom of God. The final word of Acts is unhindered and it is a powerful and vivid reminder that the gospel is unhindered, even as followers of Jesus are at times in chains. The gospel of Jesus is the message of the church still and your unchanging focus and task today!

Acts is a unique book in our New Testament, because it is the only book of history that we are given. As Luke writes, a second edition to his gospel, he continues with two vital themes – first, that Jesus offers salvation to men and second, that this work – the mission is accomplished – in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had already instructed his disciples about the Holy Spirit and his ongoing ministry to them and all who would come to believe in Jesus. Despite the obvious focus on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in Acts, this book is about Jesus. Throughout Acts, Jesus is described as Lord (the most common title for Jesus in Acts), Jesus (67x), Christ (25x), Servant, Holy One, Just One, a Prophet like Moses, Savior, Son of God, Son of Man, Author of Life, Judge, Man and God. There is absolutely no question that Acts is the continuing account of all that Jesus began to do and to teach as presented in the gospel of Luke. The outline of Acts is very straightforward: Witnesses in Jerusalem (1-7), Witnesses in Judaea & Samaria (8-12), and Witnesses to the ends of the earth (13-28). Luke focuses throughout on this truth: You will receive power from the Holy Spirit and be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. May God strengthen us to be effective witnesses for Jesus.

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

More in The Acts of the Apostles

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Thank our Promise-Keeping God

October 29, 2023

Respectful Witness

October 22, 2023

A Clear Conscience

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