
"To Eat or not to Eat" is not the Question

January 5, 2025 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Romans - Gospel Confidence

Topic: 1-AM Sermons, Romans, Judging One Another, Conscience, Loving One Another Passage: Romans 14:1-13

As Paul continues to exhort the believers in Rome to live lives that are transformed by the gospel, he addresses the response of believers to their fellow believers with differing views, differing convictions. How do you view fellow believers that think differently than you? That may even worship differently than you?  What is your view of them? How do you respond to them? This is what Paul addresses throughout Romans 14. Paul calls these believers in Rome and us today, to accept weaker believers. He reminds believers that each believer is living to honor the Lord. Paul concludes this initial section of Romans 14 with a reminder that every believer will stand before the Lord and give account. Paul reminds each one of us to accept fellow believers, whether we agree with every aspect of their daily walk or not. "Love one another" is a key theme that defines true followers of Jesus. This love for one another is evidenced in our treatment and response to one another. How do you engage fellow believers? How do you engage believers that live differently, make different personal choices than you make? Love one another, this is the exhortation of Paul for the Roman believers in the first century and for us today.

Throughout Romans, Paul offers a defense of what he believes and teachers about the gospel for these believers in Rome he has not yet met. Some of these believers may have been questioning him, his message, and how it relates to Judaism. Paul writes to explain at length the connection of Jesus, the gospel and to defend it, in spite of the rejection of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah by many Jews.

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

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