
The Shortfall of the Law

May 19, 2024 Speaker: pastor dave Series: Romans - Gospel Confidence

Topic: Gospel, Law, Sin, Romans, 1-AM Sermons Passage: Romans 7:13-25

Paul continues explaining inability of the law to make anyone right or to free anyone from sin. This is the point throughout this section - the law cannot overcome sin, but Jesus can deliver you from sin. Our fallen sinful bodies are sold under sin and no good dwells in us because of sin. But Jesus is the answer, as Paul demonstrates in his concluding words "But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ." Jesus is the great deliverer, the Messiah, who alone has conquered sin and removed its power for all who place their faith in him alone for salvation. Jesus is our hope! 

Throughout Romans, Paul offers a defense of what he believes and teachers about the gospel for these believers in Rome he has not yet met. Some of them may have been questioning him, his message and how it relates to Judaism. Paul writes to explain at length the connection of Jesus, the gospel and defend it, in spite of the rejection of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah by many Jews.

Graceway Church of Michiana exists in South Bend, IN for the purpose of Exalting our great God and Savior, Edifying and Encouraging believers and Engaging our Community. 

Graceway Church is committed to being a God Exalting, Christ Centered, Spirit Motivated, Word Focused local body of Believers!

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