
Passion Week Reading


Have you ever considered the volume of information that we are given about the last week of Jesus’ life? Each of the gospel writers focus a major portion of their story on this final week. Each offers unique details and descriptions of the final days, including his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection.

This time of year, we try to highlight this final week of Jesus with a Bible reading Crossschedule that follows the daily events of that week. Track along each day with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and note the details and the perspective that each provides. If you have never read through this final week, it does take a bit of commitment, but it is a rich blessing to observe the final steps of our Savior as he approaches the cross. This week is a powerful reminder of all that Jesus has accomplished for us. It calls us to contemplate again his atoning work and substitutionary sacrifice for us. Rejoice in all he has done and all he continues to do in your life.

You can track along with this final week beginning tomorrow Sunday, April 10th, with Empty-Tombthe triumphal entry, leading to the Passover celebration with his disciples, the garden of Gethsemane, the trial, crucifixion, and finally the following Sunday, his resurrection from the tomb.  The days of the week are there on the reading schedule, and you can follow along through the entire week. 

May God give us grace to see the rich gift of Jesus: his sacrificial work on our behalf.  What a truly indescribable gift!

Graceway Church                                             



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